4th of July Fireworks Return to Wilmington’s Riverfront

The Freedom Celebration Fireworks Show by Pyrotecnico will be
livestreamed from Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park; rain date is July 5
Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki and Cultural Affairs Director Tina Betz invite residents and visitors to enjoy the return of the City’s annual Independence Day fireworks show on Sunday, July 4 starting at 9:15 p.m. (Rain date Monday, July 5.) The July 4th Freedom Celebration Fireworks Show by Pyrotecnico will be choreographed to recorded music at Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park and at nearby locations on the Christina Riverfront. Those who attend are asked to socially distance themselves at the park and along the Riverwalk.
For those not able to attend in person, this year’s fireworks show will be livestreamed by DETV 28 on its website as well as on Facebook and Twitter and will be available for viewing on the
City of Wilmington’s Facebook page as well. The fireworks show will immediately follow pre-recorded streamed performances of “We Will Rise Up Together” (audio and video) by the Combined Choirs of the Wilmington Children’s Chorus and “God Bless America” (audio only) by the Delaware choral Arts.
“We are very pleased to again present fireworks on the Fourth of July,” said Mayor Purzycki, “now that more and more people have been vaccinated and with COVID restrictions being gradually lifted. Families and friends from across the City are in for a treat as we celebrate our Nation’s birthday in a safe yet more traditional manner. The fireworks will be visible from many parts of the City, but the best viewing will be along the Riverfront, online, and through social media.”
The City’s traditional Independence Day festivities along the Riverfront were canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
· Attendees are encouraged to park at any of the many lots around the Orange Street and Market Street areas.
· Take advantage of FREE parking at the Shipyard Shops, Frawley Stadium and at the Chase Center on the Riverfront · Visit the Riverfront Wilmington website for directions to these sites.
· Please note that parking at restaurants along the Riverfront is for restaurant patrons ONLY.
· The Margaret Rose Henry (New Sweden) Bridge is open and provides easy access to I-95 North and South, I-495 North and South, and Route 13.
Wilmington Police Chief Robert Tracy reminds City residents and visitors that selling or possessing most fireworks is illegal under Delaware law, so please leave the use of fireworks to licensed professionals instead of trying to create your own show. Fire Chief John Looney notes that while fireworks are a fun and exciting part of Independence Day, they can also be quite dangerous – sparklers, for example, burn at a temperature of 1,200 F. Like Chief Tracy, Chief Looney strongly encourages everyone to leave fireworks to the experts, keeping in mind the serious injuries that fireworks in the wrong hands can cause, including burns, lacerations, eye injuries, hearing loss, and the loss of fingers. The State Fire Marshal’s Office reports there were twenty-four fires and eleven injuries blamed on fireworks in Delaware in 2020, which is up from seven fires and two injuries in 2019 and thirteen fires and two injuries in 2018. Most injuries occur around the July Fourth holiday.