Best Movies To Watch For Delaware Day
By: Tye Richmond
July 13th is a special day for all Delawareans because it is National Delaware Day.
According to the National Day Calendar, “In 2017, National Day Calendar® began celebrating each state in the order they entered the union, starting the week of Independence Day and ending with Hawaii. We highlight a small part of each states’ history, foods, and the people who make up the state. Many states have their own state celebrations, and National Day Calendar’s observances in no way replace them. There’s so much more to explore; we can’t help but celebrate our beautiful country even more!”
So, in honor of is being National Delaware day I wanted to make a list (like I always do) about the movies that are set place in Delaware that people might not know about.
First movie is Fight Club, This cult classic starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt doesn’t scream it’s set in Delaware, but, there are small clues. This David Fincher film includes subtle hints through addresses and license plates. Plus, the novel by Chuck Palahniuk that the movie is based on puts the original fight club right in Wilmington.
The second movie is one of my personal favorites and that is “Just Mercy”. This film is centered on the true story of Delaware native and attorney Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan). The young lawyer travels to Alabama to defend Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx) who’s been sentenced to death for murder even with the evidence proving his innocence.
The last and final movie that some any of heard of is The Irishmen, This Martin Scorsese film is a lengthy one (three and a half hours to be exact), but what is time nowadays anyway? Based on I Heard You Paint Houses, the novel by Delaware author Charles Brandt, the film centers on the life of Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro) who gets involved with infamous Teamster characters of the 1950s, including Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino).
These are some of the few movies that are set in Delaware of have some major reference to Delaware in them and if you ever get a chance to watch those 3 movies you won’t regret it.