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What’s on the Ballot for Women? | Her Perspective Ep. 15

WILMINGTON, Del. — On this episode of Her Perspective, the two panels discuss what the ballot will look like for women in the upcoming election. Watch this episode to hear their personal stories, motivations, and influences that affect where they will cast their votes.

What’s on the ballot for women? How will our voting decisions affect our lives and the lives of other women? The episode is split into two panels, with Dr. Sherese Brewington-Carr leading the conversation in both segments. The first panel includes the Director of the Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy, Melanie Ross Levin; the immediate past president of the Delaware Chapter of Links Incorporated, Joan Coker, M.D.; associate professor at DSU, Fran Franklin MSW, LCSW, Ph. D.; and Maria Martinez. Afterwards, Dr. Sherese Brewington-Carr and Melanie Ross Levin introduce new panelists for the second segment including the owner of KD Beauty Supply, Trisha Moses; the president of the Delaware Chapter National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Kimberley Chambers; and the advisor and cultural strategist for Georgetown University’s Racial Justice Institute, Dr. Laura Sanders Morris. Finally, all of the guests participate in a Q&A session with the live audience.

About Every Woman

Every Woman’s Her Perspective films weekly in front of a live studio audience. For further information on how to be on the show, please email RSVPs are released weekly on all associated social media platforms.

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There are still many engaging episodes headed your way! To watch previously released episodes, check out DETV’s Every Woman Network.

Click here to watch this Her Perspective episode that asks, “How do women politicians navigate the current political atmosphere?”

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